why is the circuit board green?

Why are the circuit boards I’ve seen all green? Capacitors on the market vary in size, from small to large. As small as a grain of rice, as large as a water glass.
The function of capacitors, as we all know, is to store electricity. Obviously, the larger the capacitance, the larger the capacitance, and the smaller the capacitance, the smaller the capacitance. But many people don’t know that, in addition to the volume, there is another factor that determines the capacitance – the withstand voltage value. It determines how much voltage the capacitor can withstand. The same as the principle of volume, the larger the voltage it withstands, the larger the volume of the capacitor will be.
But in most people’s lives, everyone likes small capacitors when the capacitors have the same performance. But if you consider the cost, many people have to choose the bulky one.
Why are the electronic circuit boards that I have seen all green?
The first time I saw an electronic circuit board, the game console I played when I was a child was useless. After disassembling it, the board inside was green. As I grew up, I saw more and more circuit boards. The summary finds that most appear to be green.
So why is the circuit board green? In fact, it does not stipulate that it must be green, but what color the manufacturer wants to make. A large part of the reason for choosing green circuit boards is that green is less irritating to the eyes. When production and maintenance workers often stare at circuit boards, green will not easily produce fatigue effects.
In fact, many people don’t know that there are blue, red, yellow, and black circuit boards. The various colors are sprayed with paint after fabrication. With one color of paint, the cost will be reduced relatively. During maintenance, it is easier to distinguish the difference from the background color. Other colors are not so easy to distinguish.
What does the color ring on a resistor mean?
Anyone who has studied physics knows that resistors have many color rings and are colorful. So what does the color eye on the resistor mean? Commonly used resistors are the four-ring and five-ring resistors. They use different colors to correspond to different numbers. Combining the numbers corresponding to various colors forms the resistance value of the resistor. The colors displayed by the color rings of the resistors are brown, black, red, and gold. Among them, brown represents 1, black represents 0, red represents 2, and gold represents the error value of the resistor, indicating that the resistance value of the resistor is 1KΩ. So why not just print the resistance directly on the resistor? Most people don’t know that part of the reason for this is that it is easy to maintain. However, with the development of science and technology, it is still unknown whether the resistance will continue to distinguish the color circle in the future.
Why is there virtual soldering when soldering?
Welding is the most common defect in soldering. It seems to be welded together with the steel strip, but it is not integrated. Why does this form of virtual welding occur? There are the following reasons: the size of the nugget is too small or even has not reached the level of melting, but has only reached a plastic state, which is barely combined after the rolling action. The melting point of solder is low, the strength is not large, the amount of tin used in soldering is too small, the tin products of solder are not good, and so on.

Post time: Jan-11-2022